Det duggar verkligen inte tätt mellan mina inlägg och ännu mer sällan mellan gångerna när jag skriver något vettigt. Men nu så lämnar jag några rader igen. Jag vill skriva oftare, jag har så mycket tankar och funderingar att jag lätt skulle kunna ett antal A4:a varje dag. Det finns många frågor jag vill men inte alltid kan ställa.
Går väl att sammanfatta ungefär såhär:
And now the truth. I admit that I am shy. What scares me is that sometimes I'm afraid of the truth. To hear that I am not enough. That you might want to have anyone better than me. Attributed to him that they do more evil to wonder than to know. So in the end is always the truth the only right one. So my heart I promise you to always be honest with you!
Går väl att sammanfatta ungefär såhär:
And now the truth. I admit that I am shy. What scares me is that sometimes I'm afraid of the truth. To hear that I am not enough. That you might want to have anyone better than me. Attributed to him that they do more evil to wonder than to know. So in the end is always the truth the only right one. So my heart I promise you to always be honest with you!